sábado, 23 de mayo de 2015

M'han entrevistat al blog Anime and Manga Reviews! :3

Hola a tots, ja feia un temps que no actualitzava, però ara tornant-hi us porto una entrevista que em van fer fa poc en un blog d'una noia anglesa. El blog és diu "Anime and Manga Reviews" i hi han moltes ressenyes interessants, us deixo un tros de l'entrevista on em pregunten sobre el meu estil i els fanarts que faig.

" Manga Interview with MaAngels Plans

MaAngels' art is both inspiring and inspired with manga and Art Nouveau overtones. The look dares the viewer to look twice at the images created, and many are easy to admire - from fan art to MaAngels own work - here is the artist who decided to tell us more about her work.

JapanReviewer: Your artwork is different as it seems to fuse the older Disney look with a newer Japanese manga style. What made you want to
do this?

MªÀngels: I started developing this style when I was in the second year of illustration. There I considered changing my way of drawing manga thanks to my teacher. Everything came to an exercise that we had in class where we had to illustrate a poem, the kind of drawing; roundy and stocky, and as I liked, I decided to see what would happen if I combined my old style of manga and left the beginning of my style that I have developed later.

JapanReviewer: Your fan art of Sailor Moon and Dragonball is a welcome look at two different characters from two very opposite sides of the genre, shojo and shonen - was it your intention to do that with your art?

MªÀngels: This drawing I did it for my friend's birthday because he likes a lot Dragonball and I wanted to characterize him because of that and Sailor Moon's it's me, because is one of my favourites manga. Equally I have no problem to combining genres."

Si voleu llegir-la completa entreu en l'enllaç del seu blog i la podreu llegir sencera, en ella també detallo en quins salons i esdeveniments seré.


Ens veiem en la pròxima entrada i seguiu gaudint del meu art ^^

Fins aviat! :3

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